Tuesday, December 30, 2008

jewish censored crimes

Jews and Israelis are practically same one minded genocidal megalomaniac, or in other words "2 sides of the same coin" which as well may be applied to democrats and republicans or modern " jew-terrorist infiltrators" in our Government whose loyalties lay with Jewish terrorists from israel, as well as world countries they leech out from and cause mischief. Usury and Terrorism was invention of jews who we know since ancient times caused genocides on surrounding populations and were expelled and punished throughout millenias of their leechous primitive existance. Isnt it ironic that jews constantly cry 'anti semitism' or "holocaust" (b.s) game? why criminalize holocaust and punish people for denying it if it ever actually happened? why? ill tell you.

Because there never was "6 million" dead, jews lied in world War I where Martin H. Glynn (a jew ofcourse and former governor of NYC) invented the lie no one bought. heres direct link to that 1919 article of American hebrews paper:

" http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/origin-of-the-six-million.gif "

jews were renown liars and deceivers in the past and today, this cannot be coincidence that same people who live in everyone's land and cause mischief ( crashing global economies included) and claim they are victims while at same time openly promoting hatred through their jew-controlled newsmedias in U.S and abroad, no? here is a link of who controls 96% of world media, 6 jewish companies ..u guessed it right. Did i mention zyklon-B is lice disinfectant and not for "gassing" anyone? Just did.

http://www.mediachannel.org/ownership/chart.shtml (6 jewish companies control 96% of world media. Vivendi Universal, Viacom, AOL Time warner, Disney, Bartelsmann )

Now tell me, if these evil satanic people control your economy(bankers and other jew terrorists) and if these people shape foreign policy of this country and if these people spy and stage false flag ops. and assasinate and threaten publicly and Globaly ..dont people reach the boiling poil and destroy them for all time? yes they do, as anyone would when faced with similar circumstances like Gazans who are surrounded and murdered almost on daily basis without any newsmedia reporting it because its infiltrated by hatemongers who are mostly jews that whine anti semitism when you corner them with facts.

How can people who are armed to teeth with tanks and and jet fighters and have richest terrorist lobby with greatest power than any complain ever about people who dont even have running water? how can these jew savages expell over 4 million palestinians and genocide them while our parasitic Govt stands idle to jew terrorism, including 9/11 where Larry Silverstein admitted it( a jew yes) and people heard numerous explosions from within the two towers.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n-nT-luFIw 9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPzAakHPpk Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was pulled down on 9/11

(deuteronomy31: 24-29) Therefore after Moses had wrote the words of this law in a volume, and finished it: 25 He commanded the Levites, who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord, saying: 26 Take this book, and put it in the side of the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God: that it may be there for a testimony against thee. 27 For I know thy obstinacy, and thy most stiff neck. While I am yet living, and going in with you, you have always been rebellious against the Lord: how much more when I shall be dead? 28 Gather unto me all the ancients of your tribes, and your doctors, and I will speak these words in their hearing, and will call heaven and earth to witness against them. 29 For I know that, after my death, you will do wickedly, and will quickly turn aside form the way that I have commanded you: and evils shall come upon you in the latter times, when you shall do evil in
the sight of the Lord, to provoke him by the works of your hands.

LATTER DAYS? Evil in the Sight of the Lord? latter days are right around the corner and its all centered at same jews who murdered their own prophets and were cursed repeatedly for their evil and all considered impure. what jews do is, deceit. Mossad (jew terrorist org) motto says "through deceit thou shalt do war" literally.

dont forget this

YOM KIPPUR (Day of Atonement) KOL NIDREI Prayer (LICENSE to LIE, CHEAT & STEAL ) (PREMEDITATED DECEPTION) http://www.hebrewsongs.com/song-kolnidre.htm

goes like this:

KOL NIDRE Evening service for Yom Kippur

Kol Nidrei:

Ve'esarei, Ush'vuei, Vacharamei, Vekonamei, Vekinusei, Vechinuyei.

D'indarna, Ud'ishtabana, Ud'acharimna, Ud'assarna Al nafshatana

Miyom Kippurim zeh, ad Yom Kippurim haba aleinu letovah

Bechulhon Icharatna vehon, Kulhon yehon sharan

Sh'vikin sh'vitin, betelin umevutalin, lo sheririn v'lo kayamin

Nidrana lo nidrei, V'essarana lo essarei

Ush'vuatana lo shevuot.

All vows:

Prohibitions, oaths, consecrations, vows that we may vow, swear, consecrate, or prohibit upon ourselves -

from this Yom Kippur until the next Yom Kippuer, may it come upon us for good -

regarding them all, we regret them henceforth.

They will all be permitted, abandoned, cancelled, null and void, without power and without standing.

Our vows shall not be valid vows; our prohibitions shall not be valid prohibitions;

and our oaths shall not be valid oaths.

Note: The chazan (cantor) recites Kol Nidrei aloud three times,
each time louder than before, and the congregation recites along in an undertone

Now imagine if these are the people you need to deal with and trust your national security and treasury and interests to. It shows you simply cant, not merely from words but from what we see today right before our eyes ofcourse!

iraq war was fought for israel and jews, as much as they try to silence that now its an oppen secret and jews were lobbying for iraq war all the time and now they try to distance themselves from it to lower profile of their filth and deceit. Iran is the same case, jews want to provoke another World War( assuring their own annihilation in the process) by lies and deceit through their puppeteers like mccain and his pimp daddy jew agent terrorist within Govt, joe lieberman.

They caused more harm to freedoms of Americans than anyone else, since they created the 9/11 hijackers lie and cover up for the crimes that are being exposed publicly just now. It was about time people wake up from this jew duped delusion where jew 'the eternal victim' play mode has to be stomped on and terminated from vocabulary. If tehse are the people who live in everyones land including Arabs and other "islamic" ones without being harmed whatsoever, yet causing problems then thers only one solution for that evil and that is to get rid off it. Should people wonder if jew will backstab them later in lives in their own countries? ( yes certainly so, one such example: America!)

Jews love to make you believe problems started with lame qassam rockets and that palestiniansbroke cease fire but as i said earlier, jews control newsmedia so dont expect jew crimes to be reported on your national stations but rather check with jew own sites even thou you will find their message deceitful and manipulative, nevertheless it reports story in general which is a plus ( haaretz.com, jpost.com)

Think of it yourself thou, how can problems start with lame home made qassam rockets if ejws have been murdering them and censoring it for past 60 years or so? why doesnt anyone mention jews broke cease fire with their assasinations and blockade of supplies, basics for survival to gazans. The land is literal open prison where wall is built around them they cant breach and water is patrolled and blocked to any supply, its a mind boggling situation that explains jews who are by vast majority genocidal scum, only understand one language and that is violence and extermination of their like.

As "extreme" as you may think my post is, it is fact of reality which you could never imagine unless you are subjugated to same level as palestinians where families eat roadside dirty grass in order to survive the day. This will never stop unless someone steps to plate and punishes jews like germans and nebuchadnezzar or romans or plenty others who relived same thing we are reliving now. dont forget who whitewashes jew crimes and jew terrorists within Govt who are harming interests of United States of America.

check these few links, very helpful.

'Jewish banks masterminded crisis' http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3611260,00.html

http://haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1033605.html Arab student chair apprehended for refusing to shake Peres' hand

http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=59b_1225807900&c=1#comments Who is Hamid Karzai?

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3617689,00.html '$30 billion we received over 10 years are just small part of what Bush administration has given us,' Olmert says

below list is about JEWS who infiltrated and used america for its evil agenda and goals, within govt and their influence outside.

Cabinet members and senior administration officials

[edit] Current Senators

↓ Name ↓ Party ↓ District ↓ Elected ↓ Notes ↓
Carl Levin Democrat Michigan 1978
Arlen Specter Republican Pennsylvania 1980
Frank Lautenberg Democrat New Jersey 2002 Previously served 1982–2001
Herb Kohl Democrat Wisconsin 1988
Joseph Lieberman Independent (Connecticut for Lieberman) Connecticut 1988 Formerly a Democrat, but lost 2006 party primary; reelected on the Connecticut for Lieberman ticket, he caucuses with Democrats, but endorsed John McCain for President. In the 2000 U.S. presidential election, Lieberman was the Democratic candidate for Vice President, running alongside presidential nominee Al Gore, becoming the first Jewish candidate on a major American political party presidential ticket.
Dianne Feinstein Democrat California 1992
Barbara Boxer Democrat California 1992
Russ Feingold Democrat Wisconsin 1992
Ron Wyden Democrat Oregon 1996
Charles Schumer Democrat New York 1998
Norm Coleman Republican Minnesota 2002
Ben Cardin Democrat Maryland 2006
Bernie Sanders Independent (Democratic Socialist) Vermont 2006 Sanders is a self-described "democratic socialist" and is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, but because he does not belong to a formal political party he appears as an Independent on the ballot. Sanders caucuses with the Democratic Party and is counted as a Democrat for the purposes of committee assignments.

[edit] Former Senators

[edit] Current Representatives

↓ Name ↓ Party ↓ District ↓ Elected ↓ Note ↓
Henry Waxman[2] Democrat CA-30 1974
Barney Frank[3] Democrat MA-04 1980
Gary Ackerman[4] Democrat NY-05 1982 Currently heads the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP)
Howard Berman[5] Democrat CA-28 1982
Sander M. Levin[6] Democrat MI-12 1982
Eliot L. Engel[7] Democrat NY-17 1988
Nita Lowey[8] Democrat NY-18 1988 First female chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which she chaired from 1991 to 1992
Bob Filner[9] Democrat CA-51 1992
Jane Harman[10] Democrat CA-36 1992 Served 1993–1999 and 2001–Present
Jerrold Nadler[11] Democrat NY-08 1992
Steve Rothman[12] Democrat NJ-09 1996
Robert Wexler[13] Democrat FL-19 1996
Shelley Berkley[14] Democrat NV-01 1998 First Jewish congresswoman from Nevada
Jan Schakowsky[15] Democrat IL-09 1998
Brad Sherman[16] Democrat CA-27 1998
Anthony D. Weiner[17] Democrat NY-09 1998
Eric Cantor[18] Republican VA-07 2000
Susan Davis[19] Democrat CA-53 2000
Steve Israel[20] Democrat NY-02 2000
Adam Schiff[20] Democrat CA-29 2000
Rahm Emanuel[21] Democrat IL-05 2002 Former chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Chair of the House Democratic Caucus
Allyson Schwartz[22] Democrat PA-13 2004 Pennsylvania's first Jewish congresswoman
Debbie Wasserman Schultz[23] Democrat FL-20 2004 First Jewish congresswoman from Florida
Steve Cohen[24] Democrat TN-09 2006 Tennessee's first Jewish congressman[24]
Gabrielle Giffords[25] Democrat AZ-08 2006 Arizona's first Jewish congresswoman
Paul Hodes[26] Democrat NH-02 2006 New Hampshire's first Jewish Congressman
Steve Kagen[27] Democrat WI-08 2006
Ron Klein[28] Democrat FL-22 2006
John Yarmuth[29] Democrat KY-03 2006 Kentucky's first Jewish congressman
John Adler[30] Democrat NJ-03 2008
Alan Grayson[31] Democrat FL-08 2008
Jared Polis[32] Democrat CO-02 2008

[edit] Former Representatives

Prominent representatives only — for a full list see jewishvirtuallibrary.org.

[edit] Ambassadors

[edit] Governors

[edit] Mayors

[edit] Economists

See also List of Jewish American economists

[edit] Other

Harold Dobbs,San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Roger Boas, San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Robert Mendelsohn, San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Milton Marks, Assemblyman and State Senator From San Francisco

( ^^^ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_American_politicians)

let that speak for itself.

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